We have three different watersports package deals on offer, which are fantastic ways to try out a selection of activities at a discounted price. With all of our package deals, wetsuits, equipment and tuition are fully included. There is a minimum of 2 people per booking for a package deal, and you must sign up as a new customer before you can book.
Please sign up as a new customer, then call us to book on 01237751517
This half-day package is extremely popular and fun for families and groups of friends. With the choice of 3 of the following: beginners wakeboarding, Ringo rides, aquapark, and paddleboarding.
This half-day package is also extremely popular and fun for families and groups of friends. This is kneeboarding for 1 hour on the full-size cable and then picking 2 of the following activities to go with it: Aquapark, Ringo or Paddleboarding.
This is perfect for any child wanting their birthday in the water. With an hour's aquapark session, a Ringo ride, party food, and a wetsuit, it couldn't be a more fun easy day out. minimum of 4 people and for ages 6 - 16 only.
Learn to Wakeboard
Want to learn to wakeboard? This is the best way to get up and riding. This consists of a beginner 1-2-1 wakeboard lesson on the land followed by a lesson on the water to get up and riding and used to the water. After this we get you on a group slow speed session on the full size cable.